Winter Doctoral School: Religious Conversion and the Political Sphere (2nd-17th Century): New Approaches.
The POCRAM Project (Pouvoir politique et conversion religieuse, Antiquité – époque moderne), funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France) is organizing a Doctoral Winter School on Religious Conversion and the Political Sphere: New Approaches. The Workshop will be held on January 21-24 and will be connected to an International Conference on the same theme on January 24-26 2018, at the University of Paris-Est Créteil (
POCRAM is an Agence Nationale pour la Recherche funded research project concerning the various attitudes and positions of the political power to religious conversion.
All religions require recognizable signs of membership, organized in more or less complex and binding systems; such systems, codified across history, allow political authorities to be aware of religious changes and, eventually sensitive to them. We consider religious conversion as much as it is publicly perceived, focusing on individuals or groups of people changing their adhesion to a religious association, leaving apart the study of conversion as a personal experiment of intellectual or spiritual metamorphosis. By religion, we mean any organized structure based on a system of belief and cultic practices. By political power, we mean any form of public collective authority or organization, whatever its scale (from village to empire).
We shall take into consideration proposals presenting interplays of political powers and religious conversions, whatever their form: identification of the political power with a religious group, collaboration, opposition, confrontation, etc. Political attitudes vary according to a complex set of factors depending on the position of religion in human society, on the flow of converted people, on the political and ideological background, etc.
Although the POCRAM program is mainly centred on Western Europe and relationships between Western Europe and relationships between Christianity (in its many branches) and other religions (Judaism, classic Mediterranean cults, Islam, as well as extra-European religions met by Christianity), and relationships between various branches of Christianity, studies in any cultural field are welcome, if they belong to the same chronological frame, from Late Antiquity to Early Modern Time. (2nd-17th centuries).
The research project is historical at heart, but contributions in political science, sociology or anthropology are welcome.
The Winter Doctoral School consists in :
- doctoral papers followed by discussion, with participation of tutors issued from the POCRAM team (Sunday afternoon-Tuesday),
- a public conference organized for a general audience (Tuesday evening),
- attendance to the International POCRAM conference (Wednesday-Friday);
- some doctoral students will participate as respondent to the Conference.
Papers presented by students will be submitted to peer-review for publication.
Participants’ profiles:
English speaking PHD students in History, Anthropology or other Humanities fields, whose research subject is connected to the theme of the Conference (see above).
How to apply :Religious conversion political sphere application form
To apply, please complete the form and e-mail it with required attachment, using POCRAM_WS_your name as subject to and Applications must be received by Friday 22 September 2017 12 pm (Paris time). Successful applicants will be notified on Wednesday 6 October 2017.
Scientific board:
Christophe Duhamelle, EHESS, Paris
Pierre-Antoine Fabre, EHESS, Paris.
Jeremie Foa, Université Aix-Marseille
Thomas Lienard, Paris 1 Sorbonne
Isabelle Poutrin, UPEC
Claire Sotinel, UPEC